Buchbesprechung Teil 5: `The Israeli Solution´ von Caroline Glick

Buchbesprechung Teil 5:

`The Israeli Solution´ von Caroline Glick

Fortsetzung der Buchvorstellung, verfasst vom Pressesprecher des Freundeskreieses Israel in Regensburg und Oberbayern, Robert Rickler.

`The Israeli Solution´ von Caroline Glick

beschreibt Husseinis Zielsetzung.


"He rejected the independent existence of a specifically Palestinian Arab land or people and saw the local Arabs as part of a larger pan-Arab or pan-Syrian nation, or Islamic umma."


Dank Husseini waren die britischen Bemühungen, die Araber zu beschwichtigen, ein Fehlschlag.

"More than any other single individual, Haj Amin el-Husseini guaranteed that the British attempts to appease the Arabs had no chance of succeeding."


Husseini gab die Übersetzung und Verbreitung der Protokolle der Weisen von Zion in Auftrag, welche laut Norman Cohn die ideologische Grundlage des Holocaust waren.



"In one of his earliest and most significant forays into this field, he commissioned the translation, and oversaw the dissemination, of the anti-Semitic forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."


"The British historian Norman Cohn has argued that the Protocols, which were taught as fact in German schools during the Nazi period, were the ideological foundation of the Holocaust.


Husseini had the Protocols translated and published in serialized form in the Arabic press in 1922."


"By translating the work into Arabic, Husseini initiated the Islamic embrace of European-style genocidal Jew hatred that still dominates the Islamic discourse on Israel and the Jews today."


C.G. beschreibt Husseinis Beziehung zu Hitler und den Nazis.


"Husseini’s enthusiastic fusion of Islamic Jew hatred from the Koran with European racial anti-Semitism made him an early and enthusiastic supporter of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Like much of the Arab world, he celebrated the Nazis’ rise to power in Germany in 1933; he even sent a congratulatory letter to Hitler."


(Fortsetzung folgt.)


Das Buch von Caroline Glick finden Sie hier (engl.)


Foto: Al Husseini bei seinem Kumpel Hitler (Foto: Bundesarchiv via Wikimedia)

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Freitag, 29 Dezember 2017